Hughes Holistic Health is a concierge house calls practice with a preventative and restorative approach to Primary Care, Cognitive Wellness, and Dementia Care.

We treat the whole person – mind, body, and spiritual needs. Our 1 to 1 approach fosters empowerment through education and guidance so that with our expert support you can take agency of your own health journey.


Our preventative guidance to health and wellness is proactive – starting with what you choose to cook and eat, the quality of your relationships, and the habits you practice every day. Our restorative approach to wellness goes beyond symptom-based medicine and addresses the root cause of dysfunction in the body.

We utilize a holistic approach when developing an Individualized Treatment Plan to address symptoms of acute and chronic illnesses. We conduct a Comprehensive Assessment that includes taking a deep dive into your:

At Hughes Holistic Health we go deeper than conventional medicine. 

Primary Care

— Medical history




— Social & Environmental Habits





Primary Care ServiCes Include:

• Initial Comprehensive Assessment and regular-interval visits in the comfort of your home.
• Medication Management
• Treatment of acute illnesses
• Chronic disease management
• Custom Treatment Plan tailored to your specific health concerns and goals.
• Your Individualized Treatment Plan will prioritize your needs based on urgency and importance. We work with you and perform regular check-ins to assess the effectiveness of your treatment plan and make necessary adjustments to your plan of care.
• Detailed guidance on recommendations for nutritional foods, supplements, and lifestyle modifications that nurture the body and mind and can prevent and even reverse disease.

• Goals of care planning, including Health Care Proxy forms (HCP) and advanced directives (MOLST).
• Referral to Elder Law Attorney. Services include Power of Attorney, Guardianship, Conservatorship, and Trust formation.
• Referral to community resources, including VNAs, private home care agencies that offer companions, caregivers and nurses, and Senior Living Advisor for guidance on assisted living options.
• Health Coaching. Based on the results of a Comprehensive Assessment and diagnostic testing performed by your Hughes Holistic Health provider, individualized guidance is provided on nutrition, physical activity, mental stimulation, sleep quality, stress management, social connections, limiting harmful substances, and enhancing emotional well-being.

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Maintaining and enhancing cognitive wellness is essential for effective brain function, emotional wellbeing, and overall quality of life. Symptoms of brain fog and memory loss can be the result of inflammation, thyroid dysfunction, autoimmune disorders, metabolic issues, hormone changes, nutritional deficiencies, and stress. With consistent brain health practices, it IS possible to prevent memory loss and detect and reverse early signs of cognitive impairment. Hughes Holistic Health offers biomarker testing for early detection of Alzheimer's disease. 

Cognitive Wellness/ Brain Health


Cognitive Wellness/Brain Health ServiCes Include:

• Initial Comprehensive Assessment and regular-interval visits in the comfort of your home
• Initial and ongoing cognitive assessments
• Comprehensive blood work to identify contributory factors to symptoms of cognitive impairment.
• Biomarker blood testing to detect early signs associated with the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.
• Holistic and medication management of Anxiety, Depression, and Insomnia (including proven effective natural remedies)

• Individualized Treatment Plan that is developed based on a Comprehensive Assessment and diagnostic testing.
• Health Coaching. Based on the results of a Comprehensive Assessment and diagnostic testing performed by your Hughes Holistic Health provider, individualized guidance is provided on nutrition, physical activity, mental stimulation, sleep quality, stress management, social connections, limiting harmful substances, and enhancing emotional well-being.


Our treatment approach is unique. We treat behavioral disturbances holistically prior to considering prescription medication. Holistic treatments include identifying physiological, environmental, and/or communication triggers that can be contributory and causative in behavioral disturbances. Our treatment includes the use and recommendation of herbs and tinctures that have
proven to be effective in managing insomnia, anxiety, agitation, and aggression.


Hughes Holistic Health offers holistic care and treatment of behavioral disturbances in Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.

Dementia Care

DEMENTIA CARE ServiCes Include:

• Initial Comprehensive Assessment and regular-interval visits in the comfort of your home.
• Initial and ongoing cognitive assessments.
• Personalized treatment plans tailored to the member’s individual needs. Treatment plans are pharmacological and non-pharmacological in approach.
• Health Coaching. This includes specific guidance on nutrition, physical activity, mental stimulation, sleep quality, stress management, social connections, limiting harmful substances, and enhancing emotional well-being.
• Identifying Physiological, environmental, and communication triggers. Strategies to alleviate and avoid triggers that are contributory or causative factors in behavioral disturbances are provided.

• Prescribe and manage medication(s) to treat behavioral disturbances.
• Goals of care planning, including Health Care Proxy forms (HCP) and advanced
directives (MOLST).
• Referral to Elder Law Attorney. Services include Power of Attorney, Guardianship, Conservatorship, and Trust formation.
• Referral to community resources, including VNAs, private home care agencies that offer companions, caregivers and nurses, and Senior Living Advisor for guidance on assisted living options.

back to DEMENTIA CARE care >

• Repetitive vocalization (repeating sentences, questions)
• Resisting help with personal care
• Sleep disturbances (altered sleep cycle, inability to sleep)
• Psychomotor hyperactivity (inappropriate dressing or disrobing, opening/closing
cupboards, picking at self)
• Verbal aggression (yelling, screaming, swearing)
• Anxiety/anger/irritability
• Physical aggression (pushing, grabbing, spitting, hitting, kicking, throwing items)
• Psychosis (hallucinations -seeing or hearing things that are not there; delusions — false thoughts; paranoia — unjustified suspicion or mistrust)
• Manic-like behaviors (impulsivity, labile mood, hypersexuality)
• Self-neglect
• Depression
• Pacing or wandering

Behavioral Disturbances

• Symptoms such as pain, constipation, urine retention, nausea
• Infection (urinary tract infection most common)
• Dehydration, hunger
• Metabolic (vitamin deficiency, abnormal TSH, blood sugar imbalances
• Not wearing glasses or hearing aids

• Lack of routine/structure in the day to day
• Lack of consistency with caregivers
• Boredom
• Overstimulation (Loud noises, crowds)
• Social isolation

• Instructions with multiple steps to complete task, or too many choices
• Caregiver not allowing them to be involved in decisions
• Caregiver arguing with them
• Difficulty understanding caregiver when caregiver is speaking




Vitamin Injections and IV Vitamin Hydration bypass the digestive system, allowing for vitamins to be absorbed directly into the bloodstream. This rapid absorption of nutrients makes them instantly accessible to the body for use.  


Vitamin Injections and IV Vitamin Hydration

VIEW iv vitamin hydration >

Helps to regulate metabolism, boost immunity, increase energy levels and enhances mental clarity and cognitive function. Vitamin B12 is essential for cell reproduction and renewal, which can contribute to healthy skin, nails, and hair.


Vitamin B12 / $35

Benefits include supporting immune function, thyroid health, muscle strength, brain health, fertility, and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth.

Vitamin D / $45

Contains a combination of vitamins and amino acids that support weight loss, improve metabolic function, improve liver function, increase energy levels, enhance
mood and cognitive function.


Includes Glutathione, Zinc, Vitamin D, and Vitamin C. Enhances immune function, potential cold and flu relief, reduces risk of infection.


A lesser dosage of the IV drip with similar benefits.

NAD+ / $100

Amino acids are crucial to helping the body grow and repair tissue, hormone production, immune system support, and maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nails. Additional benefits include boosting the metabolism, improving energy levels, increasing endurance, and assisting with weight loss by promoting muscle building and improved metabolism. Includes Lysine, Proline, Citrulline, and Arginine. 


This essential blend of minerals helps reverse the effects of dehydration, remove toxins and replenish vitamins. Ingredients include Magnesium, Zinc, Manganese, Copper Gluconate. 


An antioxidant with superpowers! Glutathione can help boost the immune system, reduce cell damage in fatty liver disease, improve insulin resistance which can lead to Type 2 diabetes, and help improve motor function in people with Parkinson's disease

Glutathione / $60

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IV Hydration allows for rapid absorption of nutrients into the vein. Prices listed are for IV Hydration visits performed in the home without or in addition to a medical visit. Reduced pricing is offered for IV Hydration that is performed in conjunction with a medical visit.

This high concentration blend of immune boosting essentials is the ultimate immune system enhancer to help maintain a healthy immune response. 

Designed to enhance your immune system, prevent illnesses, and make you feel better faster during an illness. Includes Vitamin C, Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and Zinc.


This essential blend of minerals helps reverse the effects of dehydration and illness, remove toxins and replenish vitamins. It reduces fatigue, it improves immunity by reducing the duration of illnesses, preventing infection, and speeding up the body's healing process. It also reduces inflammation, supports energy production and helps to maintain healthy bone growth. Includes Magnesium, Zinc, manganese, and Copper.



Rehydrate with 1000 mL of Sodium Chloride IV Fluid.

IV Hydration

$125 IV Vitamin Hydration visit only / S100 if performed within a medical visit

$250 IV Vitamin Hydration visit only / $200 if performed within a medical visit

$250 IV Vitamin Hydration visit only / $200 if performed within a medical visit

Comprised of essential multivitamins and other nutrients, this cocktail is designed to help alleviate migraines, chronic pain, muscle spasms, asthma and more. Ingredients include magnesium, Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, Hydroxo B12, Calcium Gluconate, Vitamin C

Meyers Blend

Improve Cognitive Function through Information processing, Learning, and Memory. Ingredients include Pyridoxine (B6), L-Taurine, and Alpha-Lipoic Acid.


$250 IV Vitamin Hydration visit only / $200 if performed within a medical visit

$300 IV Vitamin Hydration visit only / $250 if performed within a medical visit


The Recovery and Performance is designed to decrease recovery time, enhance athletic performance, replenish essential nutrients and reduce inflammation. Ingredients include Vitamin C, Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, Magnesium, Zinc, Manganese, Copper Gluconate, Lysine, Proline, Citrulline, and Arginine. 


Possible benefits of B-Lean IV includes improved concentration, boosted energy levels, boosted metabolism, reduction in fatigue, enhanced exercise performance, and enhanced fat burning. Includes Methylcobalamin, L-Taurine, and Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6


Quench is designed to relieve signs and symptoms of dehydration. It's packed with Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, Vitamin C, Magnesium, Zinc, Manganese, and Copper Gluconate. 


$250 IV Vitamin Hydration visit only / $200 if performed within a medical visit

$250 IV Vitamin Hydration visit only / $200 if performed within a medical visit

$250 IV Vitamin Hydration visit only / $200 if performed within a medical visit

The Reboot is designed to hydrate and relieve feelings of nausea and vomiting. Includes Zofran, Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, Magnesium, Zinc, Manganese, and Copper Gluconate.


NAD and NAD+ occur naturally in the body. As we age, our body’s NAD levels gradually drop due to lower intrinsic production and inflammation/oxidative stress caused by environmental factors. This drop in NAD+ can cause fatigue, mental fog, dull and tired skin, and poor sleep quality. Boosting NAD+ will improve mental clarity, restore neurologic function, and improve the body’s overall health. An NAD+ infusion typically takes 3 - 4 hours.


$250 IV Vitamin Hydration visit only / $200 if performed within a medical visit

(prices vary – starting at $500)


The Amino Blend may help boost your metabolism, improve energy levels, increase endurance, and help to burn fat. It also provides your body with essential and non-essential amino acids to promote overall health.


$250 IV Vitamin Hydration visit only / S200 if performed within a medical visit

Add on to any IV Hydration Treatment

An antioxidant with superpowers! Glutathione can help boost the immune system, reduce cell damage in fatty liver disease, improve insulin resistance which can lead to Type 2 diabetes, and help improve motor function in people with Parkinson's disease.







Prevents and treats nausea and vomiting Prevents and treats nausea and vomiting.

Tina is a board-certified Family Nurse Practitioner and Certified Dementia Practitioner (CDP). She has over 15 years’ experience in geriatric care, hospice, palliative, and complex care management. In addition to her expert knowledge in geriatric care management, Tina also specializes in the treatment of cognitive impairment, and behavioral disturbances in Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. She has worked in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, primary care, and various house calls settings throughout Massachusetts. Tina’s holistic approach is unique in that she investigates the root cause of symptoms prior to considering medications. Tina carefully considers a person’s physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs when developing an Individualized Treatment Plan.

Tina Hughes, NP is the FOUNDER of Hughes Holistic Health.

Tina Hughes


At Hughes Holistic Health we are proud of our accomplishments in geriatric care management. Our personalized approach has led to significant positive outcomes, including a reduction in hospitalizations, a reduction of high-risk medications, and an overall improvement in quality of life.


All services performed by Hughes Holistic Health are private pay and payment is expected at the time of service. Hughes Holistic Health does not accept insurance for service rendered. At your request, a receipt for services will be provided to you for tax purposes. Depending on your insurance coverage, you may be able to submit the costs for Hughes Holistic Health to your insurance carrier for reimbursement. Services may be paid for using a Health Savings Account (HSA) or a Flexible Spending Account (FSA). 

**Vitamin Injections and IV Vitamin Hydration pricing are not included in Fees of Services and are an additional cost. 

Cost of Services

• Initial visit inclusive of a thorough review of your current needs and health care bias: $500
• Comprehensive Routine Follow Up Visit: $300 per visit
• Urgent Visit (30 minutes or less): $200 per visit
• Complex Urgent Visit (greater than 30 minutes): $300 per visit
• Medication Change Follow up Visit: $200 per visit
• Brief Medication Refill visit: $100 per visit
***Fees for services are the same for in person and telehealth visits.


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